Speaking as a Canadian with military experience, you forgot one absolutely vital thing all Americans forget when talking about invading Canada. In Iraq and Afghanistan, you had the luxury of entire oceans between you and the enemy. We’re right next door.

Consider our vast shared border. Do you think you’re going to lock that down? You can’t even secure your border with Mexico. I can think of a bunch of locations where I could (with preparation) walk across the border and be in Los Angeles by the end of next week. We’ve watched your TV for generations. We can all fake an American accent. Or by the time we get to Texas, we’ll just tell the locals we’re from Minnesota.

So, you could invade Canada but I promise that we could conduct irregular sabotage or terror operations on US soil in retaliation. We might not be successful, but we’d be highly motivated to try.

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There are LOTS of things that got left out. Unfortunately, if I did an entire OPSPLAN briefing... I'd have to switch the name from "The Long Memo" to "THE TOME." (Smirk)

I would most certainly expect a counterattack. If the Army makes it to Minneapolis, I'll gladly greet CSOR, the 427, or JTF2 as liberators. (Smirk) I still have challenge coins.

And (ahem) being from Minnesota... piss off you hosers. (Just kidding.) It is hilarious how much Minnesotans and Canadians from central Canada sound alike. I was born in "Noo Yawk," not Minnesota. So, I don't have an accent (slightly Noo Yawkish at this point.)

True story... when I was with the government back in the day... I used to do a lot with the Canadians. (I have another piece called "Oh Canada," which talks a bit about this if you're interested.) I used to do a fair amount of work with the Defense and Foreign ministries, as well as with the Canadian Ambassador to the US and the Deputy. I dealt with Frank McKenna and then Mike Wilson. They thought it was funny that I never made fun of either of them or the staff because of the Canadian accents. I said honestly that I didn't even think about it or hear it - having spent most of my life in Minnesota. LOL!

We have (hopefully will continue to have) only a handful of true friends in this world. They are Canada, England (not all of the UK, but England), and Australia. Those three could always be reliably counted upon thick and thin, even when things were ugly.

I am incensed at how Canada is being treated.

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I find it strange that you think the part of the UK with the highest concentration of Trump supporting voters would be the most friendly part of the UK. Our current government gives the appearance of doing anything to avoid upsetting these voters. And our official opposition is actively courting them.)

That might be changing in the past week but there are other of our nations that have spoken out much more strongly against your current regime.

I think and hope you are correct that the UK can be counted on. I would suggest England is the shaky element.

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I was suggesting that historically England gave the US the least amount of problems in terms of supporting it in terms of diplomatic issues. Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, etc., aren't acrimonious towards the US per se, but they also have their own issues with England, and thus by extension, with the United States because of our relationship primarily with England. That's what I was referring to.

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Scotland, Wales and Ireland are staunch, and I’m sure they would like to support Canada. I think many of the English people would probably sympathise with Canada but would be unwilling to become involved. Our government, though will never under any circumstances become involved. They will sit on their hands awaiting our own Anschluss.

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So am I and millions upon millions of Americans. I live in what I'm certain is a second strike target in the US Midwest. I'm a senior, but I take exception to myself and my extended family being vaporized in a stupid, pointless war. BTW, I'd think twice about those F-35s... See: F-16s, Ukraine.

I suspect just the attempt to attack Canada would result in a civil war here. Maybe that's what needs to happen. IDK.

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If you decided to invade and made it to California many of us would treat you to delicious fish tacos, so there's that incentive.

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I am sure you would be successful. As you said, we can't even secure the Mexican border, and, on top of that, we can't even keep drugs out of prison, so I can't imagine we could keep heavily armed and highly motivated "operatives" either in small squads or solo from entering the United States and doing appalling things.

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AND… Canada would have the backing of millions of American citizens who would abhor trump trying to invade….

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Demonstrations didn't stop the US in Vietnam or Iraq.

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Apples and Oranges. We share a border and airspace. You think an Iraq invasion and vietnam invasion are equal to amerikkka invading canada? USA lost in Vietnam and the world knows amerikkka lied about weapons of mass destruction. We can’t compare those invasions to a canadian one.

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while true... I'm not talking demonstrations....

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I suspect it would be quite a bit more than that.

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Bravo and my deepest thanks to you sir!

I’ve had several recent discussions with many of my 🇨🇦 compatriots about of all of these thoughts, as many up here are fearful - especially with the tepid response @charlieangus got from NATO this week.

But I believe, not naively, that we are unconquerable for the very reasons you lay out so clearly.

And one more big one (sincere apologies if I missed it in your post):

A well-armed & similarly motivated fifth column of both disillusioned former US military of all ranks & angry progressives with 0 fucks left to give …

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We are already preparing. I know people who have never fired a gun that are currently in the process of acquiring a gun license. 20 million privately owned guns in Canada, 19 million are rifles and shotguns. If 1% of Canadians take up arms as Guerrilla fighters that will be 400,000 armed Canadians alongside our military and NATO support.

An invasion of Canada will set North America on fire.

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Pffft. Amateurs. Only 20 million (Smirk.)

There are FOUR HUNDRED MILLION privately owned firearms in the US. Like 1.5 guns for everyone in this country.

But seriously... I didn't even discuss militia or paramilitary resistance.

Shotguns are plenty useful, especially in MOUT... especially in the hands of non-military combatants.

It is distressing to hear that our President has engendered so much fear that Canadians feel compelled to arm. That said, I understand.

I will share this story. A friend of mine, who's black, who was as lib as the day is long, was talking to me about four months ago. He asked me about deadly force training (I'm very well trained.)

I said, "Why? you don't have a gun." He said, "I do now. I need to know how to use it."

So, I helped him get a class, etc. But I asked him why he felt compelled to buy guns. For 30 years he was anti-gun, pro-gun control, didn't think people should own guns, etc. He said to me, "After January 6th, I realized three things. One, if they're willing to do that (MAGA) what else are they willing to do. Two, they have guns and I don't. Three, gun control became a Republican issue after suddenly Malcom X, the Black Panthers, and Blacks started carrying guns. If Trump does that, I don't want to be unarmed."

I couldn't exactly say he was wrong.

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Yep, I am quite a bit like your friend. 4 months ago I was buying a new mountain bike and planning for the 2025 camping season, never crossed my mind I’d be buying guns in the new year. But, I watched the early videos when Ukraine was invaded and Russians were using citizens as target practise.

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Amerikkkan gun owners are too busy shooting off their own foot, killing toddlers or kids in school to hit a canadian target. How did RED DAWN end? Canada is where Wolverine is from. We ARE THE WOLVERINES in this scenario.

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I taught high school for 32 years in small town Alberta. Most of my students over that time lived in households that had firearms. Many students couldn't wait for the start of hunting season. Casual conversations about their efforts in the woods were as commonplace as conversations about a basketball game. If a student had a successful hunt, there were always pictures that they were proud to show. This would be similar all across rural and small town Canada.

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You are correct. Loud mouthed good ole boys are NOT brave or knowledgeable about the guns they own and are essentially cowards who think owning guns make them brave.

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With the US military stretched thin with invading Canada, there is no way that these fascists will be able to contain the vicious revolt that will ensue within the US. I'm pretty sure that invading Canada would be appoint of inflection where the level headed citizens of the USA will start their French Revolution moment. Between military leaders and troops refusing to comply combining with a force of millions of pissed off armed Americans, the fascists will start running, likely to Russia where they will be welcomed with open arms.

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I do now as of a few weeks ago. US Midwesterners know how to use them. 😉

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I'd say that Vance's recent efforts in Europe have already gone a long way to alienating all of America's allies.

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Alienation isn’t the word I’d use. The words I’d use is complete meltdown of the transatlantic alliance and an unqualified disaster which has created sheer panic in European capitals and left the rest of our Allies wondering if they’re next.

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We're not panicking. That's what nearly every American gets wrong about Canada and Europe.

We're planning.

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Panic might be wishful thinking. Pissed off and running fast to catch up perhaps.

Remember some people who thrive on the challenges of change. Those who panic will find themselves thrust out of the way.

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Vance certainly laid a rat in his public meeting with officials. I do wonder, though, if Vance and Musk aren't striking a chord amongst the common citizenry. Look at how well the ATD just did in Germany. Marine Le Pen will probably replace Macron next time around. Orban in Hungary, Duda in Poland... If Trump invaded Canada, I wonder if NATO wouldn't simply fall apart.

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Check recent comments from Le Pen and other right wing leaders regarding Trump vis a vis Ukraine. They're jumping off the Trump train. While not pretty, NATO not going to fall apart necessarily.

Unless Canada actually did some nasty stuff besides boo a few national anthems, there's zero support for attacking Canada in the US, imo. An invasion is a non-starter.

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Cue Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train.

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The ATD did LESS well than expected because of the Trump garbage. And I’ll eat my had if Le Pen gains presidency.

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This article is absurd. For a real assessment of Canada's military ability to resist, listen to Canada's former Vice chief of Defense staff, Mark Norman on CBC, Front Burner. Not to cast any doubt on the bravery and grit of the Canadian armed forces, but Canada’s military is no match for the US military. In a war and occupation, we could expect zero help from any third party. For example, the US military special forces is about the same size as our regular army. It is unpleasant to think about, but Canada could not resist an invasion from the USA. Until last month, we didn't need to fear that as they had been our sworn allies, preferred trading partner, and best friend and neighbor. Let's hope enough decent Americans exist and that the US military doesn't forget it has the right and duty to refuse to follow immoral orders.

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I agree it’s silly to think that in a conventional contest the Canadian military would have a snowball’s hope in hell.

The real consideration is that it would provoke a resistance movement among people who have a vast geography to hide in (the entire continent), who can blend in seamlessly throughout the U.S., and who would have enormous wells of support in towns and communities on both sides of the border.

How long can you suppress a guerrilla resistance movement of organised and highly motivated fighters indistinguishable from your own civilian population with virtually unfettered access to your entire territory?

The U.S. would have to become a complete police state - even within its own pre-war borders. The juice is simply not worth the squeeze.

Not to mention the opprobrium heaped upon it by its (former) allies wondering when their turn comes, and the fact that every enemy of the U.S. would see its chance to sabotage American interests elsewhere. At the same time as it struggles to digest a nation of 40 million, the rest of the world suddenly becomes far more hostile.

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I like the analogy that the juice isn't worth the squeeze. But most partisan movements succeed only with help from the outside. I don't see any help reaching Canada. Let's face it, the US military is the most powerful military the world has ever seen. Nobody wants to be their enemy. Canada's only chance is if American Congressmen grow spines and do the right thing or if US generals refuse to follow such ridiculous orders.

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Help would reach Canada from every country with an interest in weakening the U.S. or fighting an invasion. Hell, it would arrive from within the United States itself!

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I suspect that we'd lose several northern states to Canadian forces. War has a way of popping up really unexpected events.

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The fact that Canada shares its Head of State with three of the other Fives Eyes powers should not be ignored.

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I think you underestimate the number of Americans that would actively resist and sabotage an illegal invasion of Canada. 🇨🇦

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Once the military deploys north of the 47th parallel, west of the great lakes, allot of MAGAat living here will revert to just plain ol' rednecks and start resisting. They have Canadian wives, maybe a Canadian parent or relative, and Canadian friends they fish with! They won't tolerate their towns being taken over by a bunch of 'townie' moron thugs barking orders, appropriating supplies and food, and kicking people out of businesses so they can use the buildings. After that first woman comes home roughed up or raped by a soldier... all hell will rain down on the US forces... and we all know how to stalk and hunt... FAFO... just sayin

(I'm just a moderate, centrist, Independent old lady surrounded by a bunch of redneck MAGA that don't know any better... yet... I'm working on it, okay?!)

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This New Yorker would be fighting for Canada and to protect Canadian sovereignty- if Canada would let me.

My apologies to Canada for the current bad behavior of your southern neighbor. We are horrified and embarrassed by our voters and the Mump regime.

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As much as I'd like to thump my chest and channel Gandalf,(You shall not pass!) I think this article is over optimistic and pure copium. Let's look at the Recent Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was a very close thing to prevent getting steamrolled by Muscovites. Now they're in a grinding war of attrition fought by tired troops and financed by fickle allies. The Ukrainians had a much bigger, well equipped and competent military than Canada at present. Fighting a much smaller and poorly equipped and organized force than the yanks.

If it comes I'll join the fight as a soldier or insurgent. I also fully support making Canada scary again, including making sure every Canadian has access to an AR and ammo. But we have work to do. Lots of work.

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Ukraine is tiny, especially compared with Canada.

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Ukraine is about the size of Saskatchewan according to Google. But all of it is inhabited unlike Canada where the population band is a narrow strip along the US boarder. If the yanks took southern Ontario, Vancouver/VanIsle and the southern part of the praries that's most of Canada's population and economic potential.

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Can the orange fuckwad follow logic? Everything else he has done makes no sense. Do you think he would think this deeply?

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If Trump decides to invade I hope his maga supports are drafted to serve on the front line.

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Some MAGA may volunteer. IF they get through Basic and end up in the front lines, they'll find out the hard way that real war isn't a video game. You don't get extra lives. Attacking Canada would be as foolish as Napoleon or Hitler attacking Russia.

I agree that attacking our Canadian friends is the height of stupidity. Please know that you have far more friends and allies than enemies on this side of the border.

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Well... Napoleon and Hitler had better odds than the US does.... in my opinion.

And I know the People of Canada hate the Orange Orangutan and not the people of America. Even with the booing of the Star Spangled Banner... I understand.

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O.K. I dig the vibe, but If we are being honest with ourselves - American air power could wipe our forces from the skies, the seas and the land in a few days. Not without painful losses, but we would be vastly overmatched.

BUT - YOU ARE RIGHT - It would be a fatal mistake for America:

1. If Trump ordered an attack on Canada either he and his enablers would be arrested by the brave and decent people in America’s armed forces who still believe that America’s role is to be the beacon of freedom and arsenal of democracy OR there would be a civil war between the Brave & Free and the MAGAts.

2. There’s no money in it. American economists, business leaders, investors and anyone with common sense would do everything they could to prevent a war. America attacking Canada would be akin to punching oneself in the face… as hard as you can… with brass knuckles! The integrated, efficiently-managed, and ethically sound supply chains that America relies on would immediately be exposed to constant disruptive attacks. It just doesn’t make sense.

3. Even if our military was defeated, Canadians would never capitulate. America would be trapped in a forever war with highly educated, very resentful and extremely motivated people who, with very little effort can blend invisibly into American society … in fact so many of us already have… and in so many key industries and positions where we could cause real harm.

4. OR maybe we just leave it on the ice and go have a beer. We’ll give it to you straight - we value your friendship, but if you don’t start living up to our shared values and shut down your shit-talking spray-tan wannabe Autocrat, you aren’t going to be welcome at the rink anymore. We concerned about you buddy. You are letting yourself go. Now go be the America we know and love and sort out that joker who is leading you astray.

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In David Halberstam’s book The Best and The Brightest concerning the war in Vietnam, there is a scene described where Kennedy and his cabinet were discussing an invasion of Cuba. During the meeting a general overlaid a map of Iwo Jima onto Cuba—Iwo Jima being the scene of the bloodiest battle in USMC history, fighting Japanese forces in the Pacific in WWII. Iwo Jima was a small dot on the Island of Cuba and drove home the point that a US invasion of Cuba would take a massive effort with overwhelming casualties.

Now, think of the size of Canada….

Trump probably thinks of Canada like Hitler did Austria. Canada is not Austria. However similar our shared North American origins our cultures are very different. Resistance to invasion would be fierce.

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Iwo Jima was a heavily fortified island defended by fanatic soldiers of a God Emperor. Everything of value in Canada is within a few hours drive from the American border. Canada could rule the icy wastes and forests and America would have the cities and before anyone mentions urban insurgency, just stop and think if the average poutine-eater wants to die to preserve a regime that can’t give him a reasonably priced home or a job to pay for it.

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You are severely underestimating Canadian resolve. We have a lot in common with Ukrainians!

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A lot of us come from Ukraine!

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Have regular dispatches from objective reality ever been more welcome??

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