Brilliant. I wish I was reading a dystopian fantasy. Unfortunately it is playing out before our eyes. As you point out, democrats are mostly clueless.

Trump’s coup is largely complete. The military, FBI and department of justice are already gone. Trump is largely slow walking compliance with court orders. Justice department lawyers can’t even answer judges’ questions about who is in charge. Trump has owned the Supreme Court for years.

In the meantime we are told to call our representatives. What a joke. I’ve been calling Tim Kaine’s office daily for more than three weeks about only two subjects. Protecting veterans’ rights and the protection of our data. Two days ago I received a letter thanking me for my interest in School choice.

It’s going to take a whole hell of a lot more than phone calls and letters to hold off what is coming. It might already be too late.

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Not at all unimaginable. A real horror story. America, please don’t let it happen. Stop them before it’s too late.

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I first read about the Bellamy salute when better trying to understand what exactly constitutes a Nazi salute after Elon’s Inauguration Day gesture. It struck me at the time as a great way to get the fascist salute back into schools under the guise of something else.

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One has to wonder whether the Democrats are actually in on this whole scenario. It’s hard to imagine that they did not see this coming, and it’s difficult to understand their silence, hard to pass it off as simple ineptitude.

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As I read this, and other posts by Mr. Finnegan, I get restless. I want to do something, but know one man cannot a movement make. I keep remembering an old Russian saying, "When four men meet to plan rebellion, there is but one rebel at the table."

And unrelated: Does anyone have any experience with Pretty Good Privacy?

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collectively as a nation of people that bears the same flag of political union, Americans voted for the way the elected leadership steers your great nation. the manner to which the United States of America can withstand such severity of knocks beyond the lifespan of said leadership, remains to be seen, the brutally stupid and the obtuse among the demographic population that have forgotten that the word of God continues to remain as the primary reference point and not the talk of men that claims legitimacy in the name of God, will, under the economic strategy currently rolled out by said leadership, suffer the greatest, thus, deserves a standing ovation since the consequences are most effective, directed towards the same.

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Make it stop 🛑

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You articulate many thoughts that have come to mind since November, and it’s both scary but inspirational not to let America die so the rich can rape the earth’s minerals and steal from blue collar workers their dignity and lifestyle. I pray for karma now for the orange menace and his snakes.

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Do you suppose this is the way MAGA felt when Trump lost the last election? I'm not saying they were right but…? Their upset at the “loss of democracy” spawned J6. What will our upset spawn?

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Hmmm… when equality=oppression…

I’d have to think about how to write that one…

… probably have to start with 2008…

And I suspect it would sound a lot like “Mississippi Burning” … I reckon.

Their world view, having interacted with them at length, is that they believe in the virtue of their position and the virtue of their bigotry.

Thus, for them, what my future looks like for them is “but wait! I’m white! I’m MAGA! I did what I was told to do!” Right as they wind up being one of those shot in the back of the head.

As I wrote in German… and I suspect some might have missed it since the US education system blows… Goebbels famous line is… one is either the hammer, or the anvil.

MAGAs always think they’ll be the hammer, never the anvil.

That’s their weakness.

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Thinking more about it... after dinner tonight...

I couldn't stop thinking about this scene...


This is how I think the MAGA version of it goes...

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Holy Shit Bill!

I just listened to your Erasure post WHILE eating dinner and even with two generous pours I am more than a little freaked out.

Now you have to go and link to G-man Gene in Mississippi Burning. What?!

California Burning (2029) staring Kash Patel?

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Yeah.... I know... I'm not exactly Mr. Happy Fun guy the last couple of days...

One thing I was thinking about with that scene tho was this...

America has been completely fucked up a couple of times... and we did somehow manage to unfuck ourselves.

I mean, Mississippi Burning ... think about how fucked up that story and premise is... and yeah, it's a dramatization... but not really in a lot of ways.

The amount of corruption and evil that went on in the South ... and hell... to an extent, still goes on... is pretty off the hook.

But Gene Hackman goes, "but we're not just gonna fucking fade away..."

Yeah... right... that's how it also goes. The people who believe in the Republic just don't fuckin fade away either...

I think what's causing so much consternation... at the moment is... those people don't seem to be all that cohesive at the moment... and they don't seem to have that many levers of power at the moment.

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